

About Us

        Shih-Chien University Counseling Center was established in 1980. The main purpose of our center is to help students and staff to work through their psychological issues or improve the quality of life. Currently, there are 15 staff members including 1 full-time director, 5 full-time counselors, 13 part-time counselors, 3 full-time guidance teachers for students with special educational needs, and 3 full-time intern counselors.

        Our counseling center provides a variety of services, such as individual and group counseling, psychological inventory and tests, psychological crisis intervention, series of mental health activities and gender equality improvement activities.

        We are located at 3rd Floor, Building G. and open on Mon. to Fri. from 8 am. to 8 pm. There is an open area for students whom need a rest for a while. We also provide films, magazines, and books loan services. You are most welcome to walk in and request for the above-mentioned useful psychological resources.


Individual Counseling

1.Make An Appointment:











        Our center provides individual counseling for students, faculty, and staff at Shih-Chien University. Our individual counseling is on an appointment basis. For an appointment, you simply just go to the website “https://care.usc.edu.tw”. Log in with your student account ID and password and complete the application forms.



Q1: What do the students come to the Counseling Center for?

A1: Below is a list which includes many, but not all of the reasons students come to counseling:

*Post Traumatic Syndromes caused by natural disasters, car accidents, bereavement, loss of a relationship, or sexual assault/rape.

*Adjustment to university, such as academic difficulties or relationship issues.

*Self-exploration, such as career planning, interests, self-identity, or self-image.

*Physical or psychological concerns, such as eating or sleeping problems, mood swings, depressions, or feeling of longlines.

        Even if you don’t have any problems and only need someone to talk with, you are welcome to stop by at our center.


Q2: Does it mean I have serious problems if I ask for help?

A2: Of course not! Seeking counseling means you are courageous and responsible for solving your problems. At Shih-Chien campus, we are here and ready to help you.


Q3: What is “Counseling”?

A3: Counseling is the application of psychological or guidance principles. Through cognitive, affective, behavioral or systemic interventions, a counselor not only helps you better understand and be aware of yourself, but clarify your thoughts and feelings. By doing so, you will discover better ways of thinking and living. Although a counselor is not a magician who would immediately make your problems go away, he/she will help you gain the ability to deal with all kinds of life issues.


Q4: Will I leave records if I go to the Counseling Center? Can anyone find out that I have been to the Counseling Center or what I have said to the counselor? 

A4: Yes! Each time you receive counseling, a record is made after the session. The purpose of the record is for counselor’s reference. We can assure you that our counseling center adheres to Psychologist’s Act. Your records will be held in confidentiality unless your written permission is given. However, Psychologist’s Act requires that counseling professionals report the following situations:

(1)A reasonable suspicion of danger to self, others, and/or property.

(2)A condition which involves laws, such as the Children and Teenager Welfare Law, Sexual Offence Crime Prevention Law, Domestic Violence Prevention and Control Law, Student Transition Guidance and Services Regulations, etc.


Q5: What would I expect for an individual counseling?

A5: Before providing our individual counseling service, intake service is the initial contact for you and our counselor. It will take at least about 20 minutes. During the intake session, the counselor will assess your needs. According to the assessment, useful information might be provided or further services will be arranged. If you are referred for an individual counseling with a counselor, there will be a counseling session by appointment once a week. Each session takes 50 minutes. You will talk to the same counselor unless further discussion between you and your counselor. Our approach is to identify the needs of the individual student and to arrange for those needs to be met without relying on session limits to determine the amount of help that is provided.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to discuss with our counselor.


Q6: Who are the counselors?

A6: All of our full-time and part-time counselors are professionally trained, including social work, counseling psychology, and clinical psychology.


Q7: When does my counselor make a referral?

A7: In order to help you to solve your problems effectively, your counselor may refer you for other professions, such as a social worker, psychiatrist, or other counselors. Your counselor won’t make a referral unless your permission is given. Your referral file will also be held in confidentiality to the referral professions. You are also required to discuss with your counselor if you request a referral.